I know that some of you have heard my struggles with pleasing clients and the pressures that go along with painting to please someone else. I know, I know…I keep saying 'paint to please yourself'! Be true to your own instincts about this. Bottom line is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE painting the face and the figure. I just don't get as excited about a still life or landscape!!!
I wanted to share a recent experience with you on a portrait for a beautiful bride to be…Krista! She is such a beauty that my main concern was capturing that beauty in a way that did her justice. She was recently married and shared the video trailer with me in which my portrait of her was featured for a quick moment toward the end.
I would have loved to work from life with Krista but it was not possible so I had to use the photos she sent. At the bottom I have included a head study I did of her one evening before beginning the portrait.
It is so rewarding to be a part of something as special as this and I wanted to share the process with you!!
Above are four of the images that she sent me to choose from.
I chose the one below
STAGE 1 Quick sketch with charcoal & blocking in color
STAGE 2 covering the canvas with my best shot at color & value, then beginning to tweak it
These were taken toward the end as I sent images to the client for input. Very minor changes were made as they made suggestions and as I continued to work |
Final Comparison of a close up shot
Preliminary HEAD STUDY
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